”A New Wave” de Sleater Kinney trilha sonora do seriado ”Bob’s Burgers”

Nesta edição, vamos conferir a música A New Wave do álbum No Cities to Love do Sleater Kinney, uma música de 2015 que faz parte da trilha sonora do seriado Bob’s Burgers.
Em Bob’s Burgers, somos apresentados à família Belcher, que administra uma lanchonete, e seus hambúrgueres são deliciosos e, aparentemente, melhores que os da concorrência. Porém, quando se trata de vendê-los, a família de Bob não está realmente disposta a ajudar, o que faz com que eles geralmente percam para a sua concorrência.
Confira a letra de ”A New Wave” de Sleater Kinney
Every day I throw a little party
But a fit would be more fitting
And every time I climb a little higher
Should I leap or go on living?
Hear the voices venomous and thrilling
In my head they’re always calling
But I wanna gotta go the way my blood beats
So I’m not fodder for their folly
No one here is taking notice
No outline will ever hold us
It’s not a new wave, it’s just you and me
Eyes are the only witness
Die to prove we ever lived this
Invent our own kind of obscurity
Let’s destroy a room with this love
We can drain out all the power
Steal from the makers who unmade us
Leave them nothing to devour
I am raw material
Make me plastic, make me fuel
I can be, I can be
I can be
No one here is taking notice
No outline will ever hold us
It’s not a new wave, it’s just you and me
Eyes are the only witness
Die to prove we ever lived this
Invent our own kind of obscurity
No one here is taking notice
No outline will ever hold us
It’s not a new wave, it’s just you and me
Eyes are the only witness
Die to prove we ever lived this
Invent our own kind of obscurity
Produção e direção: Cleber Almeida
Autora: Gabriela Lopes
Apresentação: Wilian Freitas
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